The Duchy of Lancaster Benevolent Fund is a Registered Charity set up with the consent of His Majesty The King to benefit causes primarily within the County Palatine.
The Duchy Fund now covers the Counties of Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside. The Trustees of the Fund invite a wide variety of community based Organisations and Chartable causes within these three Counties to apply for a donation that will benefit the local community.
Greater Manchester Eligibility
The Greater Manchester Trustees are particularly interested in the following:
Trusts, Associations and Institutions that maintain and preserve monuments, Estates and possessions of the Duchy which prove to be of benefit to the public and local community;
Organisations which provide care and support for the elderly, infirm and disadvantaged members of society;
Community Associations that benefit local people;
Organisations for young people e.g. Scouts, Guides, Cadets, Youth Organisations etc., and
Support for educational initiatives that will have beneficial results for the local community.
Greater Manchester Application Process
A single grant will only be made to an organisation within a two year period and will normally be between £250 – £2000.
The Trustees will not normally make grants towards Organisations, Association and Charitable causes outside the Duchy boundaries or to individuals, political causes, fund raising bodies, salary requests or recurrent costs.
The Greater Manchester Duchy Panel considers all applications on a quarterly basis.
Download an application form
Completed forms should be sent by email to the Duchy Administrator